Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is the 4th largest sector in the Indian economy.
There are 3 main segments in the sector –
A. Food & beverages which accounts for 19% of the sector
B. Healthcare of about 31% and
C. Household & personal care accounts for the remaining 50% of the sector.
FMCG industry is among one such industry that has faced vast globalization and has simultaneously witnessed global level challenges with complexities in mass production schedules, quality control, supply chain and logistics, retail, regulatory compliances, etc.
These companies cannot afford to have product call-offs.

- We handle all issues regarding manpower services, quality and production
- We entirely understand your requirements and provide manpower as needed
- Experts in the handling assembly line of all household appliances like washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerators, deep freezers etc
- We provide a trained team for our client
- We conduct training sessions for our employees to provide training in specialized skills as per our client requirements.
- Reliable production management
- Inventory stocking
- Keeps a perfect hygiene environment
- Efficient material handling solutions at its stores and warehouses